The Lynchburg Area Center for Independent Living (LACIL) has been bringing smiles to people with disabilities throughout the region since 1998 serving over 7,000 people. LACIL serves persons with all types of disabilities.

As a consumer-directed and private nonprofit charitable organization, LACIL encourages and supports people with disabilities who desire to live happily within their community—empowering them with the services and tools for independence, including:

More importantly, LACIL helps bring people together to make communities a better place to live, promoting self-advocacy


We service Appomattox, Amherst, Bedford and Campbell Counties; City of Lynchburg and Town of Bedford

LACIL’s Mission
To promote a philosophy of Independent living, including a philosophy of consumer control, peer support, self, help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and system advocacy, to maximize the leadership, empowerment, independence, and productivity of individuals with significant disabilities, into the mainstream of American society.



LACIL provides FREE core services and support to those who are challenged with new or existing disabilities, beginning with children on up to adults and senior citizens.

  • Peer Counseling
    Individuals with disabilities meet individually or in groups with a peer who shares similar or related life experiences, to gain insight regarding needs and resources related to independent living.
  • Independent Living Skills Training
    Planned activities designed to help those with disabilities learn improved skills for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining and increasing their independence (e.g., personal finance, grocery shopping, nutrition, etc.).
  • Information & Referral
    Identification of helpful resources, services and providers within public and private community organizations. Assists individuals with disabilities who receive social security disability benefits and desire to return to work.
  • Systems & Individual Advocacy
    Educational information to promote and protect the rights, services and opportunities of people with disabilities, while providing assistance in application and utilization of data related to disability issues.
  • Transition Services
    Providing assistance for those residing in a care facility, who wish to return to an independent lifestyle in the community; teaching life skills and providing job training for youth with disabilities transitioning out of the public school system.
  • Employment Network
    Social Security's Ticket to Work Program supports career development for people with disabilities who want to work. Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 qualify if you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income. The Ticket Program is free and voluntary. The Ticket Program helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence.
  • Medicaid Waiver Services
    • Facilitation of the Elderly Disabled Consumer Directed (EDCD)
    • Personal Attendant Services (PAS).
    • Case management for the Developmentally Delayed (DD). • Transition Coordination from institutions to home.
  • Mobility Program
    Free services for people with mobility related issues and are in need of walkers, canes, wheelchairs, etc. NOTE: LACIL accepts gently used donated mobility equipment and donations are tax deductible.


Below are some geat resources that can help you with your daily needs.

2-1-1 Virginia

Dial 2-1-1 or (434) 845-8016

Call Now

Adult Learning Center

(434) 522-2319

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Greater Lynchburg Transit Company (GLTC)

(434) 455-5080

Call Now

Lynchburg Community Action Group, Inc.

(434) 846-2778

Call Now

Lynchburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority

918 Commerce Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 485-7200

Call Now

Assistive Technology Loan Fund (ATLFA)

1(866) 835-5976

Call Now

Region 2000 Career Center

(434) 455-5940

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United States Social Security Administration

(434) 582-1520

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Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services

(434) 947-6721

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Virginia Department of Social Services

Amherst County
(434) 946-9330

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Virginia Department of Social Services

Appomattox County
(434) 352-7125

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Virginia Department of Social Services

Bedford City / County
(540) 586-7750

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Virginia Department of Social Services

Campbell County
(434) 332-9585

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Virginia Department of Human Services

Lynchburg City
(434) 455-5850

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Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA)

1 (877) 843-2123

Call Now


That's right by donating, you help support LACIL in its efforts to improve the lives of persons with disabilities. Donations are accepted at any time of the year, and are tax deductible.

Help is specifically needed in the area of LACIL Direct Services. When LACIL staff provide services to people with disabilities, they often discover those persons have barriers to independence because of their fixed income. Direct Services are financial grants payable to businesses and vendors for things such as wheel chair ramps, bath room modifications, diabetic shoes, leg braces, hand controls for vehicles, etc.

Federal Tax ID #54-1913481

If you are interested in making a charitable donation, you can contact Glynda, Financial Manager at LACIL 434.528.4971, extension 106.

So help make a difference! Help support LACIL! Every dollar is appreciated – For Direct Service Fund, $0 (zero) goes to administrative cost!

Make donation payable to LACIL Direct Services and send to:
Direct Services Fund
Lynchburg Area Center for Independent Living
500 Alleghany Avenue, Suite 520
Lynchburg, VA 24501